Dapet tag lagi nih. Kali ini tag-nya berupa pertanyaan yg banyak banget..hehehe..dapetnya dari Lia, mungkin dia mo bales dendam karena beberapa waktu lalu kukirim tag juga buat dia..hehehe..yaudah deh, berhubung dah ngantuk, sebelum tidur kerjain dulu ah..
1. What do you want for your birthday? Kado dunk..terserah bentuknya apa,,tapi yg paling kusuka pas ulangtahun dah lulus..amiin..
2. Who will be your next kiss? Lom tau..
3. When was the last time you when to the mall? 2 minggu lalu.
4. Are you wearing socks right now? Gak, orang dah mo tidur juga.
5. How did you spend your summer? Bertapa di kamar aja.
6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days? Tidak.
7. What was the last thing you had to drink? Jus alpokat + Jus guava
8. What are you wearing right now? Kaos biru muda.
9. What was your last purchase? Makanan, tadi sore sebelum ditraktir makan padahal aku dah beli makan dulu.
10. What was you’re the last food you ate? Empal gepuk+Nasi bakar+Pecel Pincuk+Roti Bakar (bused..ternyata banyak juga aku makan tadi!!!)
11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep? Biasanya sih ga pernah kebangun tengah malam. Kalopun kebangun mudah koq buat tidur lagi.
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Gak tuh..belom butuh kayaknya.
13. Do you have a pet? Ada donk...beberapa bulan lalu punya 5 ekor ikan cupang keren abis...tapi karang tinggal 2 ekor.
14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days? Kalo nonton empat mata.
15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Paris, kota idamanku.
16. What is the last thing you purchased online? Gak ada tuh..lom pernah beli apa2 online.
17. One thing you hate about yourself ? Nothing..I love myself...I love myself so I can love anybody..
18. Do you miss anyone? Enggak kayaknya..(bisa enggak tau, bisa juga enggak salah lagi..)
19. What are your plans for the day? Ngerjain skripsi, belajar, persiapa nonton bola...ehehehe..ga kreatif bgt ya..
20. Last person you msg’d? Mbak Suqhie, isinya met ultah, wish u all the best, sist...
21. Ever went to a camp? Jelas, mantan ketua pramuka geto lohhh..(so what??!!) hehehe..
22. Are you a good student in school? Not...i'm not..but sometimes yes...
23. What do you know about the (your) future? Akan lulus secepatnya, diterima kerja di Total Indonesie, Halliburton, ato Chevron!!! I know that I can make it!!!
24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Absolutely yes..
25. Where is/are your best friend/s right know? Satu lagi kerja di Genoa, satu lagi kerja di KPC, satu lagi kuliah di surabaya, satu lagi di balikpapan, tinggal di jl. palapa no.4*..hehehe..dia lebih dari sekedar teman baik...
26. I will send this tag to : Acy,,selamat mengerjakan kawan..